Cyclorama de Jérusalem

Musée privé de l’époque du pré-cinéma, depuis 1895

The Cyclorama of Jérusalem is America’s largest panorama. On display in Ste-Anne-de-Beaupré since 1895, this gigantic work of art executed in Munich from 1878 to 1882 is 14 meters in height (45 feet) and 110 meters in circumference (360 feet),or 1540 square meters creating an illusion of life and relief that is so real, that it gives visitors the feeling that they are themselves in Jerusalem reliving the crucifixion. From the viewing gallery, you can look out all the city and over 80 Kilometers of surrounding countryside at the four cardinal points. Unique, breath taking and exceptional, this travel to biblical times in the heart of Holy Land will fascinate you.

Heritage Study of the Cyclorama (Download the PDF)

